Monday, 10 February 2025


How old is the earth?

There are many varied answers to this question, science has many different answers. It is suggested by some scientists that the earth is billions of years old, and some suggest it is tens of billions years old, and yet some say it is hundreds of billions old. Various folk tales tell of a timeless period, some suggesting hundreds of thousand years and some simply saying it is very old and formed at a time when stones were still soft. Various religions weigh in with their opinions of when the deity they worship created this earth. Christianity has varied answers ranging from timeless infinity, to millions of years, to hundreds of thousands, to tens of thousands and to less than ten thousand years old. This cacophony of opinions underscores that humanity is adrift in the ocean of time without a compass.

Is it true that the earth came into existence by random chance, and developed into what it is by small changes over very long time? What caused the random chance? What directed the changes so as the earth should develop to what it is? Given this background, how did life on earth develop? What was the purpose of these complex life forms, developing on an earth that developed by random chance?

The human organism is a complex organism, consisting of many complex organisms from the complex minute cell, to such complex organisms as the heart, brain, ears and eyes etc. Can we say that all these complexities came by chance without a maker and without a purpose? If we subscribe to that notion, then we must accept that the computer on which this article was typed developed randomly, without a designer, without a maker, without a purpose. Pieces of metal, plastic and other materials developed themselves, and then started assembling themselves into a highly sophisticated useful computer. Of course it is a ridiculous suggestion, which also says the suggestion that the earth came about randomly, and developed into a complex ecosystem with complex life forms developing randomly perchance, as ridiculous in the extreme! It is surprising that many people believe this suggestion, coined by men who lived in the nineteenth century for no more than hundred years each.

The bible the sacred book of two of the three Abrahamic religions, says this earth was created by a Creator, and it is not more than six thousand years old. In the book the Creator lists information by which the age of the earth can be calculated. He also gives a time line of events from creation to the end, when this earth would be destroyed and a new one created, refer Is. 46:10. The prime time line is the creation week. This earth was created in six days and the seventh day was designated as the Sabbath of rest. The six working days are six millenniums in which the inhabitants of the earth must work to perfect character ready to enter the seventh millennium rest. (Refer Ps.90:4; 2Pt.3:8)  The week with its six working days and one Sabbath rest is a weekly reminder to humanity that the earth has been allocated six millenniums and one Sabbath millennium that will usher in eternity.

The devil works contrary to the Creator, his purpose to get as many people on his side, and to keep as many people ignorant of the coming great event, and when it will be. He uses ridiculous suggestions of random chance, and makes those who believe in it as enlightened people, and those who don’t as dimwits who are blind followers of religious cults. He suggests to some that there’s no Creator, and suggests belief in a Creator as utter stupidity. He suggests to some that the bible is a collection of fables, and its creation narrative as plagiarism of old pagan stories. To those who believe the bible, he has sown so much confusion and enmity that there are many church groups that differ in their beliefs, even though they believe the same bible. He has created many different calendar systems, and to bible believers he has sown confusion, so that some worship on Friday, Saturday and Sunday, of the Gregorian calendar. This strategy was suggested by Willie Lynch during the slavery days, he of course was inspired by the devil, he said “Our EXPERTS warned us about the possibility of this phenomenon occurring, for they say that the mind has a strong drive to correct and RECORRECT itself over a period of time if it can touch some SUBSTANTIAL ORIGINAL HISTORICAL BASE: And they advised us that THE BEST WAY TO DEAL WITH THIS PHENOMENON IS TO SHAVE OFF THE BRUTE'S (AFRICAN SLAVE) MENTAL HISTORY AND CREATE A MULTIPLICITY OF PHENOMENA OF ILLUSIONS.” 


His strategy as pronounced by this Lynch is to create a multiplicity of phenomena of illusions. This will confuse the targeted people so that they’ll drift in life’s ocean without a compass, totally lost to the concept of what is right and what is wrong, and without a concept of what time it is. This way the greatest event for this earth will come upon the inhabitants of the earth unaware, so that all will be lost as in the flood of Noah’s time, which was a type of the coming end.


In that he has phenomenally succeeded. We are ignorant of what time it is, most of Christianity uses the Gregorian calendar, which tells how many years it is since Messiah’s first advent, and does not say how long backwards to the beginning. Those using the bible calendar are pitifully divided too. Some say the earth is up to now (2025)   5786 years old, some say it is 6012, and some 6018. Which then is correct? Humanity is in a fix, it doesn’t know how long it has come, and how long it has to go. The answer to bible believers is to study the bible carefully, to answer the questions when was the earth created and when will it be destroyed? How far are we from the end?


In the bible the first global event happened in the second millennium since creation, 1656 AM. Two millenniums later another global event occurred, the first advent of Messiah. Is it unreasonable to suggest that the next global event which is the second coming of Messiah will take place two millenniums since his first? How far are we from His first advent? The year of His crucifixion is 31 AD. According to Daniel’s prophecy He was to confirm the covenant with many for one week and in the middle of week he will cause the sacrifice and oblation to cease. (Refer Dan.9:27). 31 AD is when Messiah died putting a stop to sacrifices and oblations which prefigured his death. This was in the middle of one week of years, the week ended with the stoning of Stephen in 34 AD. Two millenniums from then will put us to 2034 AD or earlier to 2031 AD.


This could be incorrect, and again it could be correct, but what is definite is that there’s a great global event coming. In the creation story, creation is completed in six days, and during those six days, events take place that prefigured events that have taken place. In the second millennium the earth was destroyed by a flood. In the creation week on the second day the Creator divides the waters from the waters by a firmament, and He does not pronounce what He did on the second day as good. Waters are people. (Refer Rev.17:15). In the second millennium He separated the godly from the ungodly by a flood. He, the Creator, does not enjoy the destruction of the wicked. “Say unto them, As I live saith Adonay YAHUWAH, I have no pleasure in the death of the wicked; but the wicked turn from his ways and live…” Eze.33:11. The events of the second day of creation week were not pronounced good because they prefigured an event He has no pleasure in.


On the fourth day of creation the sun moon and stars were created. (Refer Gen.1:14.)  The sun represents the Messiah, refer Malachi 4:2. Messiah arrived in the fourth millennium and finished His work on earth in the fourth millennium. The next event is two millenniums from then, as already suggested above. In the creation narrative the sixth day ends all the work and the following day is the seventh day that is set apart as a day of rest. The earth has six millenniums and the seventh is the sabbatical millennium. At the beginning of the seventh millennium there will be a resurrection of the righteous dead, who together with the righteous living will be caught up to meet Yahusha Mashiyach in the air while the wicked living will be killed by the brightness of His coming, and the dead wicked will remain dead, until the thousand years is past. (Refer 1Th.4:13 to 17; Rev. 20:3 to5)  


Yahusha Mashiyach told the parable of the Good Samaritan in answer to a question “who is my neighbor?” (Refer Luk.10:30 to 35) There are other biblical themes revealed by the parable. One of them is what Paul says concerning the Law and sacrifices. (Gal.2:16; Heb.10:4, 10, 12, and 14) He says the law was week in that it could not save the sinner. He continues the blood of bulls and goats could not remove sin. In the parable, the priest comes first but does nothing to assist the injured traveler, next comes the Levite he again does nothing to assist the injured. These two represent the law and sacrifices respectively that are powerless to save the sinner. The Good Samaritan represents Yahusha, who by his own sacrifice gave the injured a chance to live again. On the morrow he gives the inn keeper two pennies and promises more at his return. In another parable the vineyard owner agrees with the workers for a penny a day. (Mat.20:2) Two pennies is wages for two days. Two days is two millenniums, the return of the Good Samaritan is two millenniums later. This parable was told by Yahusha, the Good Samaritan in the fourth millennium, and how many millenniums since then? Is it unreasonable to expect the return of the Good Samaritan in the sixth millennium?


According to one calculation, this earth is 5786 years since creation which is 214 years shy of 6000 years, the end of the earth’s six thousand years, and the beginning of the seventh millennium that ushers in eternity. There are many calculations, different as they are, they all underscore that we are in the last days of the earth’s history. There’s a flurry of activity by many different people, as preparation for the coming catastrophe. Some are looking for another planet to which they’ll migrate to escape, some are building cities deep in the earth and some are building bunkers. The bible believers must perfect their doctrines, beliefs and practice in accordance to the bible. This is an event that’ll affect all, the living and the dead, all who ever lived on this earth, no one is exempt, everyone must prepare.

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