End time truth
Biblical Sabbath Adventist Ministry
Telephone : 00263772322671
Email : thompsonmkwananzi220@gmail.com
We are living in a time like no other in the history of this world; a time of the end. Events and way of life, faith and practice are getting stranger. It is a time such as never was since there was a nation. Dan. 12:1. Isaiah says of this time: “seven women would go to one man and say we will eat our own food, put on our own clothes but let us be called by your name to take away our shame. “ women symbol-ize churches and the number seven all churches without exception. “ a time when evil is called good, dark-ness is called light.” Isa.4:1; 5:20, A time when all the world is de-ceived. Rev. 12:9 . A time when the world is wondering and wor-shiping the beast with the names of blasphemy, whose wound was healed. Rev. 13: 1-4. A time of the 42 months given to the beast since the healing of its wound, on the 31st October 2017. Rev 13:5. Ezekiel saw the people of this time as a valley of dry bones, Yahshua through John the revelator de-scribed them as neither hot nor cold saying “I am rich and in-creased in goods ; and in need of nothing but thou art wretched.” Lodokiyah does not know how she is, her ignorance of her condition makes her as good as dead, as good as a valley of dry bones spo-ken of by Ezekiel. How can we be healed of our condition?
Yermiyah says: “Thus saith the LORD, Stand ye in the ways, and see, and ask for the old paths, where is the good way, and walk therein, and ye shall find rest for your souls. But they said, We will not walk therein.” Yer. 6:16 . The old ways are found in the Bible. We are advised to diligently and prayerfully study our Bibles. In there we will see the experience of the an-cients who found themselves in similar condition.
Abraham says it took three days for Yisak and him to resurrect from the dead. Nehemiah says it took three de-crees of Cyrus, Darius and Artaxerxes for Yershalem and the temple that lay in ruins to be rebuilt. Ezekiel says it took him prophesying three times for the dry bones to be a living multitude.
It will take the three Angels’ messages to resurrect Lodokiyah. What sort of message is this threefold message? It is an everlasting message, which comes to the target people as if it is a different message different from all known by that target people, to be even contrary to what they have known all along.
Noah was told to build an ark be-cause it would rain and cover the whole world and destroy all living. This was a message contrary to what they knew as a generation. It had never rained and all indications was that it was impossible. He preached for 120 years, no one be-lieved him, except his own family out of deference to him or they felt obligated to obey him.
Abraham knew the voice of Elo-hiym so well that he could no mis-take it. He had spoken to him times without number; when He told him to come out of Ur, when He prom-ised to give to him and his posterity the land of Canaan, when He prom-ised him a son, when He said next year Sarah will have a son. He knew His voice and the message it usually brought that of making him a great nation through Yisak. On this occasion it came with a mes-sage contrary to everything he knew of Him and of all He had told him and promised him:” Take your only son through whom your off-spring will be reckoned and sacrifice him to me on a mountain I will show you.” He obeyed.
The message of mercy for our time is not different from that to Noah and Abraham. It like that of theirs is different from all we know and hold as truth and basis for faith and practice.It is a message many if not all will reject as a message seeking to lead
them astray. Can it be anything else, when we think we are rich and in
need of nothing? The message will be contrary to what we know; it will
tell us we are poor wretched naked and blind, a thing to be pit-ied. It
will excite opposition and create dissentions. Ezekiel says when he
prophesied to the dry bones there was a loud noise and a great shaking:
Ez.37:7.And I saw another angel fly in the midst of heaven, having the
everlasting gos-pel to preach unto them that dwell on the earth, and to
every nation, and kindred, and tongue, and peo-ple, Saying with a loud
voice, Fear God, and give glory to him; for the hour of his judgment is
come: and worship him that made heaven, and earth, and the sea, and the
foun-tains of waters. Rev. 14 :6,7.This is a universal message calling
people to ensure they fear, give glory and worship the one true Elohiym,
cause there is danger of fearing glorifying and worshipping a false
one, an impostor. 2The. 2:3,4. “….There come a falling away first that
man of sin be revealed the son of perdition who opposeth and ex-alteth
himself above all that is called God; or that is worshiped so that he as
God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is Go.” Many
will worship this impos-tor who is the devil. See Rev. 13: 4
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